1.- Website Owner.
OWNER: Capital Nexus Investment Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "THE COMPANY")
Tax ID: 15603311
Registered Address: 11 Pheasant Walk, High Legh, Knutsford, Cheshire, England, WA16 6LU.
Email: info@capitalnexus.co.uk
1.1.- Identifying Information of the Domain Owner
Name: Adrián Álvarez Jiménez.
Contact Method: contacto@webpornovip.com.
2.- Acceptance of the General Terms of Use and Contracting.
The use of this website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") is subject to the following General Terms of Use and Contracting (hereinafter referred to as the "General Terms").
By accessing this Website and using its contents, you acquire the status of "User" and imply that you have read and accepted, without any reservation, these General Terms. Please read them carefully. If you do not accept these General Terms, please refrain from using the Website.
THE COMPANY reserves the right to change, modify, add, or remove, in whole or in part, these General Terms at any time and without prior notice. Therefore, the User must read and accept these General Terms each time they access this Website and its contents.
3.- Content and Use of the Website.
This Website provides access to erotic and/or pornographic content (hereinafter referred to as "the Content") that may be offensive to the User's sensibilities.
The use of the website in any manner that promotes or facilitates human trafficking, sexual exploitation, or physical abuse is strictly prohibited.
The User declares and guarantees to be of legal age and to have the legal capacity to be bound by these General Terms. The User agrees to make diligent use of the Website and its Content, in full compliance with applicable regulations.
Minors are not authorized to access this Website. Parents are advised to configure their browser filters or use content filtering software (e.g., Cybersitter, Net Nanny, Surf Control) to prevent their children from accessing erotic and/or pornographic content. For more information, visit the following website: http://www.navegacionsegura.es/.
To access the Content offered on our Website, the User must have the latest versions of the following programs installed on their computer: (a) for video playback: Windows Media Player; (b) for video chat: Adobe Flash plug-in.
4.- User Responsibility.
The User is aware, and voluntarily accepts, that access to this Website and its Content is always carried out under their sole and exclusive responsibility.
The User agrees to make appropriate and lawful use of the Website and its Content, in accordance with applicable legislation and these General Conditions, and undertakes to indemnify THE COMPANY for any damage or harm that may be caused by the use of this Website and/or its Content, in violation of these Conditions and/or current legality.
In any case, without limitation, the User must refrain from:
- Sending photographs, videos, erotic stories, or any other type of content that violates human dignity, is discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, harmful, threatening, defamatory, invades someone else's privacy, or infringes upon the rights of children and youth (including, without limitation, any images or representations of child abuse, child pornography, or minors involved in explicit or implicit sexual activities), order, or public safety.
- Making unauthorized or fraudulent use of the Website and/or its Content for illegal purposes.
- Accessing or attempting to access restricted resources or areas of the Website without meeting the required conditions for such access.
- Removing, altering, bypassing, or manipulating any protection device or security system that may be installed on the Website.
- Introducing or disseminating computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may cause damage to the physical or logical systems of the domain owner, its providers, or third parties.
- Attempting to access, use, and/or manipulate the data of the domain owner, third-party providers, and other users.
- Removing, hiding, or manipulating intellectual or industrial property rights notices and other identifying data of the Website owner or third parties incorporated into the Content, as well as technical protection devices or any information mechanisms that may be inserted into the Content.
- Obtaining or attempting to obtain the Content using means or methods other than those made available for this purpose or expressly indicated on the web pages where the Content is located, or, in general, those commonly used on the Internet that do not involve a risk of damage or disablement of the Website and/or the Content.
5.- User's Breach of the General Conditions and Right of Exclusion.
The User agrees that any failure to comply with the General Conditions shall constitute a breach thereof, entitling the COMPANY to deny or withdraw access to its Website and its Contents to any User who has breached them, without prior notice.
The COMPANY also reserves the right not to accept and to remove all Contents, including photographs, videos, erotic stories, or any other type of content that is illegal or infringes upon the rights or property of third parties, which may be subject to compensation. In particular, without prejudice to what is expressly stated in these General Conditions, such Contents shall include those that violate human dignity, are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, harmful, threatening, defamatory, invade the privacy of others, harm children and youth (including, without limitation, any images or depictions of child abuse, child pornography, or minors engaged in explicit or implicit sexual conduct), or disrupt public order or security, or that, in the opinion of the COMPANY, are not suitable for inclusion on the Website.
In the event that the COMPANY receives content that in any way violates the rights of children and youth, the COMPANY shall inform the competent authority of such facts, as well as any related data.
In any case, the COMPANY shall not be responsible for the content posted by Users through forums, chats, or other participation tools.
6.- General Regime of Exclusion of Warranties and Liability.
Except as expressly stated in these General Conditions, the User expressly acknowledges and agrees that the COMPANY does not provide any warranty of any kind regarding the Contents incorporated on the Website or the Website itself, unless expressly required otherwise by applicable law, and only to the extent and scope required by such law.
The exemption from warranties and liabilities mentioned in the previous paragraph includes, without limitation, any liabilities arising from:
- The accuracy, truthfulness, and completeness of the Contents on this Website.
- The availability and continuity of the website, access to the Contents, or the presence of errors in them.
- The malfunctioning of payment gateways or telecommunications operators and internet service providers contracted by the User, as well as the user's computer misconfiguration. It is the user's responsibility to verify their potential for errors.
- The absence of viruses or other elements in the Contents that may cause alterations to the user's computer system (hardware or software) or to the electronic documents and files stored on their computer system.
- Any damages that may arise, directly or indirectly, from accessing the Website and using its Content, as well as from the inability to access it.
7.- Hypertext Links.
The links contained in this Website may lead the User to other websites and web pages operated by third parties, in which the COMPANY does not participate in any way and over which the COMPANY exercises no management or control.
The COMPANY is not responsible for the contents of the linked websites or the links contained within those websites that are owned by the COMPANY, nor for any review, modification, or update of such contents. The COMPANY provides these links for convenience only, and their inclusion does not imply affiliation, endorsement, or recommendation by the COMPANY of any website or any content or information contained therein. The COMPANY also does not warrant the condition of such websites or the services or content offered by third parties through their websites. Upon leaving the Website, please note that our terms and conditions no longer apply. You should review the applicable terms and policies, including privacy practices and data collection, of any website you access through the Website.
8.- Industrial and Intellectual Property.
This Website and all its Contents, including but not limited to trademarks, databases, images, photographs, drawings, graphics, text files, audio, video, and software necessary for its operation, access, and use, as well as the intellectual and industrial property rights existing and/or granted by any registration office, are the property of the COMPANY or its Content providers, who have licensed or assigned them, and are protected by Spanish and/or international intellectual and industrial property laws.
The compilation (understood as the collection, design, arrangement, and assembly) of all the Content on the Website is the exclusive property of the COMPANY and is protected by applicable intellectual property laws.
All software used in the use and development of the Website is the property of the COMPANY or its software providers and is protected by intellectual and intellectual property laws.
All trademarks, including their names and graphics, appearing on the Website are the property of the COMPANY or its providers and are duly protected, whether unregistered, registered, or in the process of registration.
All texts, graphics, videos, or audio supports are the property of the COMPANY or its Content providers and may not be further modified, copied, altered, reproduced, adapted, or translated by the User or third parties without the express authorization of the COMPANY or the holders of such rights.
The provision of Content to Users does not imply, in any case, the transfer of ownership or the granting of an exploitation right of such rights to the User, other than the use that entails legitimate use in accordance with the nature of the Website.
Any exploitation of this Website and its Contents without the authorization of the COMPANY is strictly prohibited, including exploitation, reproduction, dissemination, transformation, distribution, transmission by any means, subsequent publication, exhibition, public communication, or total or partial representation, which, if carried out, would constitute infringements of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the COMPANY or its providers, punishable under current legislation.
9.- Independence and Integration of these General Conditions. Waiver. Prevalence of the General Conditions.
The illegality, invalidity, or ineffectiveness of any of the General Conditions shall not affect the effectiveness of the remaining conditions, provided that the rights and obligations of the COMPANY and the User are not fundamentally affected. Any situation that would seriously harm the interests of the COMPANY and the User is considered fundamental. These General Conditions shall be replaced or supplemented by others that, being in accordance with the law, serve the purpose of the replaced ones.
No waiver by the COMPANY of any of the General Conditions shall be valid or binding unless made in writing. Such waiver shall only constitute a waiver with respect to the specific matter described in said writing and shall in no way affect the rights of the COMPANY in any other respect or at any other time.
In the event of any inconsistency between the terms contained in these General Conditions and the terms contained in any other communication that may be exchanged between the COMPANY and the User, whether by email, fax, registered mail, or postal mail, the terms of these General Conditions shall prevail.
10.- Governing Law and Jurisdiction.
The parties agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes and claims).
The parties agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes and claims).
11.- Payment.
The COMPANY provides the User with the following payment systems: credit card payment (VISA or MasterCard), telephone payment, or SMS payment.
Access to any room, whether Private or VIP, will have a variable cost, which will always be indicated to the client prior to accessing the room.
12.- Access to Content via 803.
The user may also access certain Content on the Website by calling an 803 number. The call price is clearly specified in the sales box itself (including indirect taxes). Data of the operator who owns the number: Desarrollo Técnicas de Información y Comunicación, S.L. CIF B 64705882, Av. Via Augusta 15-25, 08174 Sant Cugat del Valles (Barcelona)
When the User calls the number displayed on the screen, a message will immediately play informing them of the requirements set forth in the regulations and the call price. This message lasts for 20 seconds and is charged at a standard rate.
After the message ends, your web page will automatically connect to the service for which special pricing has been contracted. You must keep the phone off-hook to access the service. Please note that the maximum duration of these calls is 30 minutes, after which the connection will be automatically terminated. However, you can end the connection at any time by simply hanging up the phone.
No program will be installed on your computer that could alter its configuration using this system, as the connection is exclusively through the phone.
To submit any complaints regarding the functioning of this service, please write to the following address: help@capitalnexus.co.uk.
13.- Payment Platforms.
Payment on our website will be made through the following payment gateways:
13.1.- CGBILLING (cgbilling.com) owned by CommerceGate Payment Solutions S.L.U:
- Domicilio:
World Trade Center.
Moll de Barcelona s/n
08039 Barcelona, España- Teléfono: +34 931 761 050
- Web: Corporativa: www.commercegate.com
- Email:sales@commercegate.com
- Atención al Cliente: https://www.cgbilling.com/secure/
- Email: support@cgbilling.com
13.2.- Epoch (Epoch.com) owned by Epoch.com, LLC.
- Domicilio:
2644 30th Street
Santa Monica, California, 90405, USA- Teléfono Gratuito: +1 800 893 8871
- Teléfono Alrededor Del Mundo: +1 310 664 5810
- Atención al cliente: https://epoch.com/?locale=es
En el recibo de la tarjeta aparecerá el cargo del servicio bajo el concepto "EPOCH.COM".
El pago por este servicio se efectuará online mediante tarjeta de crédito. En el caso de Epoch se admite también "Paypal". El precio de este servicio variará en función de los minutos que se quieran adquirir.
13.3.- Trustpay (https://www.trustpay.eu/)
- Address:
Trust Pay, a.s.
Za kasárňou 1
831 03 Bratislava, Slovakia\- VAT: SK2022928215
- Email: info@trustpay.eu
- Phone: +421 2 321 68 450
13.4.- Segpay (https://www.segpay.com/)
- Address:
220 Hillsboro Technology Drive, Suite 130
Deerfield Beach, Florida, 33441 EE. UU.\- Email: info@segpay.com
- Phone:
- +1 954.414.1610 (EE. UU.)
- +353 1.513.3337 (ES)
13.5.- RocketFuel (https://rocketfuel.inc/)
- Address:
RocketFuel Blockchain, Inc.
201 Spear St, Suite 1100
San Francisco, CA 94105- Email: legal@rocketfuel.inc
13.6.- INESPAY (https://inespay.com/)
- Address:
Plaza Alfonso El Magnánimo, 13 1B
46003 Valencia (España)- (+34) 960 666 665
- Email: info@inespay.com
13.7.- Smartpay (https://smartpay.coinsmart.com/)
- Address:
Simply Digital Technologies UAB FCIS
Registry Code: 306067610
SDT USA Inc. FINCEN MSB: 31000242436473- Email: smartpayhelp@coinsmart.com
For the sole purpose of associating your payment with the services provided by Capital Nexus Investment Ltd., the mentioned payment gateways will act as data processors.
The User also authorizes and consents to Capital Nexus Investment Ltd. using the provided email address for commercial and advertising purposes.
The User, if they choose the payment method through cryptocurrencies, undertakes to enter the exact amount required at the time of payment. Regarding refunds, the User understands and accepts that, due to the price volatility of cryptocurrencies, the same amount will be returned and in the same currency that they paid (before the change to cryptocurrency) at the time of completing the purchase.
14.- Returns and Cancellation.*
Each claim will be evaluated individually before any refund is made. Only credit packages that have not been consumed in whole or in part can be returned. Requests for such refunds must be made within 14 days from the date of purchasing the credit package.
Subscriptions can be canceled at any time by contacting help@capitalnexus.co.uk.
Returns, if approved, will always be made on the same card that initiated the purchase, never by check or cash. Returns will be available within a maximum period of 14 business days from approval
15.- Access to content via SMS.
The User can also access certain content on the Website by sending messages to a mobile number. The User will send an SMS with the specified text to the indicated number on the Website and will subsequently receive a response containing a code. The User must enter the received code in the corresponding section to proceed with downloading the file.
The time elapsed between sending the SMS and receiving the code will vary depending on the User's mobile phone provider and, therefore, that period is beyond the control and responsibility of Capital Nexus Investment Ltd.
In any case, it is not necessary to use the code immediately upon receipt, as it can be stored for later file download.
Each code allows the download of a single file, so Users who wish to download multiple files will need to send multiple SMS messages and will receive a code for each requested file.
In the case of accessing video chat via SMS, each SMS will entitle the User to a specific access time in the private video chat area, which is accumulative. The access time is specified in the sales box.
The price of the SMS, to cover the costs of sending and managing the content, is clearly specified in the sales box (including indirect taxes). Sending such a message does not constitute any consideration or price for the downloaded video/file itself, but rather for the download itself and the cost of data transfer.
Operator data for the number owner: Desarrollo Técnicas de Información y Comunicación, S.L. CIF B 64705882, Av. Vía Augusta 15-25, 08174 Sant Cugat del Valles (Barcelona)
To file any complaints regarding the operation of this service, please contact us at this address: help@capitalnexus.co.uk.
The user can access 4 minutes of video chat by sending a Premium SMS with a cost of 7.26 € VAT included. They can send multiple SMS messages, which will be accumulated in their account.
16.- Complaints
Any complaint that the USER deems appropriate should be dealt with as soon as possible. Each claim will be responded to within a maximum period of 7 days. You can contact us at: help@capitalnexus.co.uk